For the latest COVID protocol, please visit the CDC website

Sent via email February 22, 2022:

In line with CDC guidelines, Lectra in the U.S. has adopted a "mask optional" policy for all employees and visitors, regardless of vaccination status. It is still recommended that unvaccinated employees wear a mask inside the building, unless alone at their workstations. While the overall feeling will be getting back to "normal", we should continue to practice social distancing, and minimize extended interactions in enclosed spaces (offices, conference rooms).

Further, we are asking all employees to have a mask readily available while in the building. The COVID crisis is still a very serious and concerning situation for many people. Out of consideration for your fellow employees, if you interact with someone who is wearing a mask, please ask them if they would like for you to wear a mask during your interaction.

In conclusion, we will continue to monitor the COVID metrics and CDC guidelines. There may be another time when we require masks for all employees again. For this, and for all you have done to adapt to the changing environment over the past two years, we appreciate your cooperation and patience.


Sent via email January 4, 2022:

To all Tolland employees -

Due to the significant surge in positive COVID cases in the region, we are returning to an "essential personnel on-site only" policy in Tolland until further notice. Also, we are asking managers to rotate employees who are on-site as much as possible to reduce cross-exposure. Employees who work in teams should stay with those teams only, to the extent this is possible. Our previously communicated mask mandates are still in place and must be followed, along with the practice of social distancing. Visits from employees or vendors outside of Tolland should be rescheduled to a later date, unless essential for the operation of the business. Meetings should be conducted via Zoom or Teams, even between employees on-site.

If you experience any symptoms of COVID, the flu, or a cold, we ask that you stay home and get tested. Per the updated CDC guidelines, people with COVID-19 should isolate for 5 days and if they are asymptomatic or their symptoms are resolving (without fever for 24 hours), they can return to work. Please visit this site for more guidelines on isolation and return to work:

Gerber has been providing "mail away" test kits for all employees since the beginning of the pandemic. Due to a current shortage in these tests and the availability of testing outside of Gerber, we are reserving our limited remaining inventory for the on-site employees who are showing symptoms and need to test to determine if they should come into the office.

We believe these changes to be temporary, but necessary, to do our part in stopping the spread of the virus. We will continue to monitor and adapt our policy based on guidelines presented by the CDC.

Bridget Bozzi

VP Human Resources

Sent via email December 20, 2021:

Tolland Employees,

Based on data reported by the CDC regarding the COVID-19 infection rate in Connecticut, we are reinstituting our mask policy, regardless of vaccination status, until further notice. As a reminder, this policy requires you to wear a mask anytime you are outside of your work area, or if you have other employees in your work area. Also, please remember that all visitors, including employees who do not regularly work in Tolland, must sign-in using the Envoy system in the front lobby. In all cases, please remember to use social distancing guidelines during interactions with other employees and visitors.

To further reduce the risk of spreading the virus, we are requesting all employees refrain from conference room meetings and use Zoom to conduct meetings. Also, if you are able to perform your work remotely, please discuss with your manager if it is possible for you to do so, especially if you are traveling away from home for the holidays, or hosting people in your home.

The best defense against serious illness or death is to get vaccinated and, if appropriate, get boosted. Gerber continues its policy for providing paid time off to get your vaccine and/or booster, as well as for missed time due to any side effects from the shot.

Thank you and have a safe holiday season,


via email sent October 29, 2021:

Lectra/Gerber US Teams,

Please complete this questionnaire by Nov 5, 2021!

All Government contractors must ensure that all covered contractor employees are fully vaccinated for COVID-19, unless the employee is legally entitled to an accommodation. Covered contractor employees must be fully vaccinated no later than December 8, 2021. To comply with these requirements, we are requesting the information on the form in the link above, which also requires proof of vaccination status.

Providing this information is voluntary. However, if you fail to provide this information, including if you respond “I decline to respond,” you will be treated as not fully vaccinated. Failure to be fully vaccinated by December 8, 2021, unless a legally required accommodation has been granted, could result in adverse employment actions including termination for employees that are considered a covered contract employee under the Federal COVID Requirements.

Thank you in advance for your prompt response to the survey.

Contact me with any questions,


via email sent October 15, 2021:

To all US employees -

We wanted to communicate a couple of important messages related to COVID, including an updated mask policy for Tolland, and the current situation around federal vaccination mandates that have been in the news.

As the positivity rate for COVID-19 has remained low in Connecticut, we are comfortable updating our mask policy in the office as follows:

- All fully vaccinated employees and visitors, as defined by the CDC, are not required to wear masks in the facility.

- Any employees or visitors who are not fully vaccinated must wear masks in the facility, unless at their own work station without other employees in the area.

- We continue to ask that all fully vaccinated employees respect any requests from any employee that asks them to wear a mask if spending time together in close proximity (co-working, meetings, etc.).

- Please also continue to practice social distancing, remaining 6 feet apart as much as possible.

Even though the positivity rate has steadily declined in Connecticut, the hospitalization rate has climbed recently. Hospitals are reporting that the vast majority of serious hospitalizations are unvaccinated individuals, so we ask that those who are not vaccinated continue to follow the mask guidelines to protect themselves and others.

Further, we are in the process of reviewing mandates - both implemented and those proposed - from the federal government regarding vaccination and testing requirements. To best understand our risk of non-compliance to those mandates, and the business impact on any contracts that impose those mandates, we will be sending a brief, anonymous survey to all employees regarding their vaccination status, their intent on vaccination, or their intent not to disclose this information at this time. Again, this is not a formal requirement at this time, just an initial baseline, but your participation and candidness will help us gauge where we stand as a company and shape our strategy for compliance if these mandates are implemented.

As always, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.


via email sent on May 18, 2021

To all Tolland employees:

There have been many questions regarding any changes to the mask mandate as it relates to the Tolland campus based on the new CDC guidelines. At this point, there will not be any changes to the mask requirements in the Tolland office and manufacturing floor. We will revisit the guidelines on June 1st and communicate any changes at that time. Until then, please continue to wear a mask unless you are not at your own workstation without someone in your direct area, or when eating in the cafeteria (with six feet between employees).

One change we are pleased to make is that effective 5/19, we are reopening the Tolland gym with the following restrictions:

- Maximum four employees using the gym at one time (we will create a sign-up sheet outside if we have too many people at the same time)

- Employees must sign in and out

- Maximum time in the gym is 45 minutes

- There should always be at least one vacant piece of equipment between two employees (two employees shouldn't use side-by-side equipment at the same time)

- Masks are required 100% of the time

- Employees must use cleaning equipment provided after use of each machine

- If using the showers after a workout, the employees should wipe down the shower using the provided cleaning products

Contact me with any questions.



Updated Travel and Visitor Guidelines - April 27, 2021

The safety and well-being of our employees remain our principal concern during the COVID-19 crisis. Below are updated guidelines regarding Business and Personal Travel, as well as information for Visitors coming to the Tolland Facility.

Domestic Business Travel

  • Manager approval required

  • With advance notice, Gerber will provide PPE supplies if required

  • Be mindful of state and CDC guidance regarding quarantining after travel. Please continue to check the CDC website and/or State Health Dept guidelines prior to travel and information on quarantining after travel.

International Business Travel

This continues to be discouraged until further notice and must be approved by the Head of HR.

Domestic Personal Travel

The CDC has specific guidelines for both (1) Fully Vaccinated and (2) Unvaccinated People. Visit the CDC website and/or State Health Dept guidelines prior to travel for information on quarantining after travel.

International Personal Travel

The CDC has specific guidelines for both (1) Fully Vaccinated and (2) Unvaccinated People. Visit the CDC website for information on quarantining after international travel.

Visitor Policy (Tolland facility only) - this also applies to employees who do not regularly work in the Tolland facility.

  • Visitors are allowed under the following conditions:

    • Approval of Bridget Bozzi or Greg Hayden

    • Verification of current health status and understanding of responsibilities prior to visit by completing the visitor form.

    • Visitors are subject to the same guidelines as employees (Confirmation of no symptoms, adherence to social distancing and wearing a mask, etc.)

A Message from Bridget Bozzi, via email on February 24, 2021

United States Gerber Team,

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and as part of our continued efforts to maintain a safe workplace for employees and clients, Gerber is encouraging all employees to receive an FDA authorized and/or approved COVID-19 vaccination. It is recommended that employees consult with their healthcare provider regarding whether to obtain a COVID-19 vaccination. The decision of whether to be vaccinated and which vaccine to receive is a choice that employees should make in consultation with their medical provider after reviewing all of the available information.

See below, more specific information on the CT rollout and paid time off related to the vaccine.

Vaccine Eligibility in Connecticut - if you live or work in CT

As you may be aware, on 2/22 the State of Connecticut changed the eligibility requirements for getting the COVID-19 vaccination.

Initially, "essential manufacturing workers" were eligible in Phase 1B and while Gerber registered appropriately with the state, we never heard back from them. With this recent change, the "essential manufacturing worker" designation is no longer a category to qualify for the vaccine.

In simple terms, do NOT wait for Gerber to get your vaccine! That will not happen under the current phase structure. Please visit the CT COVID-19 Vaccine Website for more information on eligibility and to sign-up with the State for your vaccine if you have not already done so. If you are in other states, please visit your individual state's website or the CDC's website on vaccination rollouts for more information.

Time Off

Employees' PTO banks will not be debited for absences related to getting the vaccination, up to 4 hours for each dose. In addition, employees' PTO banks will not be debited for absences related to mild reactions where they feel ill the day after the vaccination.

Safety Protocols

All safety regulations will remain in place even if you get vaccinated. This means you will continue to wear a mask and practice social distancing whenever possible. In addition, all employees who can work from home will continue to do so.

Thank you all for your continued dedication in supporting our customers and colleagues during COVID-19.

Contact me with any questions,
